Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Mormon Mommy Wars ? Speaking of writing?.

By Heather O.

I got this message not long ago from my friend Angela Hallstrom, writing goddess and the beautiful face of Irreantum (at least in my mind she?s the face of Irreantum, mostly because I?ve never met anybody else who works there. And she is beautiful.):

Irreantum?s 2011 Literary Contest deadline is rapidly approaching. All poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction submissions are due by May 31, and we?d love to receive something from you. Visit for more info. Please pass the news along to any of your friends/colleagues/students who might be interested!
Angela Hallstrom
contest coordinator, Irreantum

So if you think you?ve got something worth writing about, or if you started something ages ago and need a reason to dust it off and make it pretty again, here?s your chance.

My husband tells me I should submit something this year, and his suggestion is always that I rework a classic and give it a little twist. This month, my book club read Jane Eyre, one of my favorites, and DH said, ?See? Rework Jane Eyre. That?s a great story!?

?Yes, it is, so how am I supposed to rework it, not to mention I?ve never written fiction in my life??

He thought about it for a second and said, ?Easy. Add a vampire.?

Poor Charlotte Bronte. Never knowing that someday, her classic novel could very well end up in the ?paranormal teen romance? section of Barnes and Noble.

Happy Writing!


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Mormon Mommy Wars ? Speaking of writing?.
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