Kamis, 26 April 2012

The Mobile Playbook: Key takeaways

Yesterday we launched www.themobileplaybook.com, our new resource we hope will help business leaders understand how to strategically approach the mobile space in 2012 and beyond.  

Today we thought we’d cut to the chase and summarize the action items we recommend in hopes this will jumpstart conversations you may be having internally about what to do in the mobile space. While we highly encourage you to pick up your tablet (or smartphone or laptop) and review the The Mobile Playbook in full, we wanted to boil down the content to the following straightforward recommendations:

  1. Define your value proposition by determining what your consumer wants to do with your business in mobile. Benchmark against others in your industry for ideas.
  2. Build a mobile website. Once you have a mobile website, check the stats and optimize based on consumer usage.
  3. Build an app for a subset of your audience after your mobile site strategy is in place. Don’t forget to promote your app.
  4. Assign a Mobile Champion in your company and empower them with a cross-functional task force.
  5. Set up a meeting with your agencies about what’s working and what’s not for your brand on mobile and tablets.
  6. Search for your brand in mobile, as a consumer would. Take 5 minutes and do this today. What’s working?  What’s not?
  7. Separate mobile-specific search campaigns from desktop search campaigns so you can test, measure and develop messaging specific for mobile.
  8. Run rich media HTML5 ads to extend your branding message to reach the mobile audience.
  9. Assign everyone in your marketing org the action item of reviewing their programs through a mobile lens.
  10. Check out your tablet consumer’s experience with your brand. Take 5 minutes today and search for your brand on a tablet as a consumer would. What’s working? What’s not?  Maximize the tablet environment with rich media creative.

Consumers have already embraced mobile but many brands are still playing catch-up.  We encourage businesses to have a conversation internally about the current status of each of these items and create an action plan.  Start by asking the the 5 key questions posed in The Mobile Playbook at www.themobileplaybook.com.  We hope you’ll visit it from your tablet today.

Posted by: Johanna Werther, Sr. PMM Mobile Ads
The Mobile Playbook: Key takeaways
Rating: 100% based on 975 ratings. 91 user reviews.

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