Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Help customers remember your phone number with new Vanity Numbers for Phone Extensions

Today we are excited to announce that alphanumeric vanity numbers are now enabled for click-to-call phone extension ad formats.

Vanity numbers allow businesses to include letters in their phone numbers. For example, instead of using 1-800-836-3464 in their mobile ad, 1-800-VENDING can use their actual business name.

click to enlarge image
Including a vanity number with your mobile ad can help users remember how to contact you when they need your products or services. This is especially useful if most of your transactions take place over the phone and you want to make sure customers can easily recall your phone number. In addition, featuring your business name in your phone number can be an effective method of driving brand recognition and ad performance.  Advertisers running click-to-call phone extensions in their campaigns have experienced a 6% increase in average clickthrough rates to their mobile ads.

To enable this feature, just enter the desired vanity number in the phone extensions field in your AdWords campaign setting. You must be based in the United States and have your campaigns opted into showing on high end mobile devices with full Internet browsers.

Posted by Surojit Chatterjee Google Mobile Ads Product Manager 
Help customers remember your phone number with new Vanity Numbers for Phone Extensions
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