Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Media companies: stop thinking about mobile and start building

Last week I attended the L.A. Mobile Entertainment Summit which brought together some of the leading media companies such as Weather.com and ESPN to think about mobile.  I participated in a monetization panel which discussed some of the big questions on the minds of content creators today: Should we build applications or mobile web sites?  What’s the role of operators and platforms? Should we launch free or paid apps?  

Although these are important questions to ask, as with online, there is no one size fits all strategy. The mobile platform is evolving faster than any prior media platform and there will always be new things to consider - HTML5, tablets, app marketplaces, etc.  Media companies need to stop looking for a silver bullet solution and start building, collecting data and iterating to figure out what works best for their content and consumers.  Thomas Ellsworth, CEO at GoTV Networks, made a great point that you need to start with the “end in mind” when building your mobile strategy by figuring out how “mobility” will benefit your consumer.  Think about these key questions:
  • What is the value you are providing consumers?
  • How does mobile complement your existing business?  
  • Does mobile provide an opportunity to acquire new customers? Or will it help tie deeper into your existing base?
  • Should mobile be monetized separately or be included in the online value proposition?
  • Are there opportunities to create new experiences that leverage the mobile context such as location, mobile payments, or voice recognition?
The best advice I can give to media publishers is to just get started and prepare to measure and analyze.  RJ Kirkland, Regional Vice President at The Weather Channel described how they launched the Weather.com app for $5 and it went nowhere.  Once they offered a free, ad-supported version, it exploded.  Kirkland’s example shows that companies that test and iterate improve their chances of success on mobile.

Get out there and start interacting with your consumers on mobile to determine the most used or requested features, when and how consumers engage your content on mobile versus online, and the unique characteristics of users that share or pay for content.  The development cycle on mobile often matches online so these insights will help you optimize across consumer channels.  Build for mobile with this iteration process in mind so that you are collecting data from the beginning and can start answering these questions.  

Mobile is evolving faster than any technology we have seen in a long time. It’s exciting, but it’s daunting. The most important thing you can do to be successful on mobile, is to start now.  

Good luck!

Posted by Jordan Kobert, Mobile Partnerships - Media and Entertainment.

Jordan Kobert is responsible for growing and developing Google's mobile publisher network in North America, with a focus on media and entertainment. In this role, Jordan works with publishers and content creators to develop new revenue streams for their mobile business. Jordan has spent the last 7 years developing and implementing monetization strategies for Mobile and Internet companies and joined Google as part of the company’s acquisition of AdMob.
Media companies: stop thinking about mobile and start building
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