Senin, 13 September 2010

A Fully Interactive Mobile Experience with Interstitial Ad Units

You recently may have seen some exciting ads while you load your favorite apps on iPhone and iPod touch devices. AdMob has run interstitials for dozens of brands, including a May campaign for Seattle’s Best Coffee (shown below):

The interstitial in the above video is fully interactive and acts as an animated, immersive full-page mobile experience.  As with all of our interstitial products, at anytime the user can continue with the app load by clicking the close button on the ad. 

We’ve developed tools to make it simple to create an animated, multi-panel effect and simulate many of the animated ad formats you’ve seen online. In this implementation the last of the animated screens can contain multiple clickable regions linking to additional content. Here is a mock of what’s possible based on actual assets that ran as part of the Wolfman campaign:

Both of these examples are full screen size on iPhone (320x480), but we also can run either implementation in the 300x250 size located at the center of the screen. The latter mode will create a similar experience to the rich animated and interactive creatives currently popular online.
We’ve seen strong advertiser interest in rich mobile ad formats and we continue to invest in developing industry-leading, customizable units that help brands come to life in mobile. Behind the scenes, we’re making tools to make rich ad units like these even easier to build and run.  Here’s how simple it was for us to create this Wolfman interstitial using our internal tools:

In the above screenshot, we’ve uploaded one of the images from the Wolfman interstitial and selected the transition animation type (Dissolve) and timing (2 seconds).  Below is a screenshot of the subsequent panel:

As you can see, AdMob makes it easy to creatively engage with your audience and we continue to invest in scalable tools such as our interstitial builder to provide rich advertising solutions to advertisers.

Posted by Johanna Werther, Google/AdMob Mobile Ads Marketing

A Fully Interactive Mobile Experience with Interstitial Ad Units
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