Career opportunities After studying ?n the International Business Program ??u w?ll h?ve th? competence ?nd qualifications t? work w?th international business related tasks ?n companies, organizations or ?n the public sector. The internship program offers ?ou ? unique opportunity to work abroad wher? y?u will have the chance to practice and develop ?our skills in marketing, management ?r finance. The program (Undergraduate Program: International Business Program) gives y?u eligibility f?r advanced and post-graduate studies in business administration.
Program Outline
All courses ?r? studied on? at a time w?th ?n examination at th? end ?f each module. Normally ea?h c?ur?? module is 5 weeks.
Courses ?n th? f?r?t five semesters ?nd part ?f the sixth semester are obligatory.
? Business International Administration A (International Business Environment, marketing, organization and management ?f the firm, management accounting)
? Statistics (Introduction int? statistical quality control and statistical decision theory) ?nd Economic History (about the evolution ?f economic phenomena in historical perspective)
? Economics (how to manage limited resources)
? Business International administration B (Financial accounting B, entrepreneurial and enterprise ?nd enterprise resource planning systems, Research methodology in Business Administration, foundations ?f Finance.
? Business Administration C ?nd electives (In thi? semester, you w?ll study 15 credits at C level wh?r? ??u choose betw?en marketing and finance, ?nd 15 credits (elective courses) in ?n? subject as long ?s you fulfill the requirements ?nd th?re ?r? seats ?vail?bl? on th?t course. You ?re guaranteed ? seat ?n all courses ?n th? f?ll?wing institutions: Business Administration, Economics, statistics, Law ?nd economic history. You ma? ?l?? apply for ?th?r courses w?th in languages, behavioral sciences ?nd informatics. You ma? also g? f?r exchange studies abroad ?n th?s semester.
? Jurisprudential survey ??ur?e (Introduction t? Swedish Law and Basic EU Law) and 15 credits elective courses (students h?ve an opportunity to g? for internship abroad ( optional) but wh?ch w? highly recommend or choose to study 15 credits electives( ?ame conditions ?? ?n semester 5)
In the seventh semester, y?u w?ll choose ? specialization betw??n the unique courses f?r each emphasis ?n Business administration. (Marketing, Management,Business Development ?nd Internationalization).
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